Featured Event
HomeAid San Diego’s Annual Step Up! Walk for Homelessness
Register Today!

6th Annual Walk to End Homelessness
6th Annual HomeAid San Diego “STEP UP” Walk to End Homelessness
Event Overview
Date/Time: Sunday, November 10, 2024 - 8am-Noon
Location: Mission Bay, De Anza Cove, 3000 North Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA 92019
Ticket Prices:
Adults: Early Bird - $35 (Through Sept. 30), Regular Price - $40
Children: Early Bird - $15 (Through Sept. 30), Regular Price - $20
Teams: Teams of 3 or more - Ticket Pricing: $35 per person
We highly encourage organizations to form teams with their employees and include their families to make this a fun day to support a good cause and build stronger bonds with your employees!
Since 2019, we’ve seen over 30 companies come out with their employees and their employees families to enjoy this day of service and giving back.
Visit our Walk Registration Page to register HERE on Active.com to learn more and join us on our Walk to raise funds and awareness about the State of Homelessness in the San Diego region, housing solutions currently in place, the challenges that exist and how you can help further reduce homelessness. We are here to show you how!
Event Details
Join San Diego to celebrate 23 years of building new lives during at our 6th annual STEP UP! Walk to End Homelessness. Learn more about the homelessness issues across San Diego county, what’s being done to alleviate these issues and how you can provide a helping hand.
Our kick-off event will take place on Sunday, November 10 at De Anza Cove, Mission Bay Park.
Check-in opens at 7:15am, with a pre-event progam at 8am and stepping out for the walk at 8:30am.
Participants will receive:
Event T-Shirt
Access to all event day offerings, meet other Homeless Service Providers set up for the day to educate attendees, hear from guest speakers building housing and shelters for those in need and more.
Homeless Service Providers Welcome! We are offering free table space for San Diego region service providers that provide housing, social services and other support needs to people at-risk of or experiencing homelessness. Contact us at info@homeaidsd.org to sign up to participate.
SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE: We couldn't host a successful event without the support of our sponsors. Interested in sponsoring our event? Please reach out to John Peterson at John.peterson@homeaidsd.org to learn more. Also visit www.homeaidsd.org for a list of sponsorship offerings.
Presenting Sponsor
ABOUT HomeAid San Diego
Who We Are
Established in 2002, HomeAid San Diego is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to building multi-unit housing, providing outreach support and workforce development training for San Diego’s temporarily homeless men, women and children. The organization is supported by an alliance of local building and real estate industry organizations.
Who We Serve
Unlike any time in America’s history, today’s homeless are primarily women, children, and families. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of today’s homeless are not the people seen on the street. Today’s homeless are the “Invisible Homeless” who are without a place to live due to unforeseen life circumstances. They are parents who had to choose between paying the rent or paying for a daughter’s medicine. They are mothers who removed their children from abusive fathers. They are parents who lost their job because a manufacturer closed a plant. They are pregnant teens who were thrown out by angry parents. They are emancipated foster youth without a place to live or a means of support. They are senior citizens and veterans who no longer have a family to care for them. They are abused children removed from their homes for their safety. They are victims of natural disasters and other catastrophes. They are veterans returning from recent wars.
These people experiencing homelessness simply need a temporary home to regroup, catch their breath and rebuild their lives.
If you have any registration or event questions, please contact Staci at staci@homeaidsd.org.

2024 DSD Golf Tournament
Join us for the annual 2024 DSD Charity Golf Tournament on the afternoon of Friday October 11th at the Riverwalk Golf Course. The Golf Tournament will be followed by a dinner and raffle.
All proceeds will be donated to HomeAid San Diego.

4th Annual Lennar Golf Tournament
4th Annual HomeAid San Diego “Building New Lives” Charity Golf Tournament
Event Overview
Date/Time: Friday, October 4, 2024 (See Schedule below)
- Shotgun Start at 11am
Location: The Links at Lakehouse (formerly St. Mark’s Golf Club)
Event Schedule
9:30 am – Event Setup begins; volunteers arrive
10 am – Hole Sponsors arrive for Setup across course
10 am – Putting and Driving Range open for practice
10 am – Registration/Check-in opens
10:30 am – Lunch and drinks available for pickup
10:45am – Golf Director’s meeting (at carts after golfers are set up)
11am – Tournament Shotgun Start
4 - 5:30 pm – Food, Drinks available for golfers as they finish playing
5:30 pm – Awards, Drinks and Snacks
Visit our Golf Registration Site at Perfect Golf Events HERE to see pricing for Foursomes, Hole Sponsors and More!!
Event Details
HomeAid San Diego welcomes all golfers and supporters to join this tournament for a day of good company on a great course for an amazing cause. Whether you want to play solo or with a team, or support us as a Hole Sponsor and set up a Tent and Table on one of the Holes to cheer on our players, it’s all an option!
Join us at The Links at Lakehouse (formerly St. Mark's Golf Club) to raise awareness and funds to assist HomeAid San Diego's Building projects, Workforce Development Program and community awareness care essentials . All proceeds will help provide construction training, job coaching and job placement support to at-risk youth, veterans and others experiencing homelessness.
We have a variety of registration offerings so sign up today! If you have any questions about sponsorships, please email staci@homeaidsd.org.
Premier Sponsor
Hole in One Sponsor
Lunch Sponsors
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Post Event Social Mixer Sponsors
Longest Drive Sponsors
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Hole Sponsors
WORKS Course Student Success Sponsors
HomeAid San Diego deeply appreciates your donation as we provide construction support for homeless housing projects, construction and job preparation training for at-risk youth, veterans, and others experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, and community engagement and essential care items to people just entering a shelter or temporary housing.
Want to bring your family, friends and work colleagues to a morning walk along Mission Bay to learn about different housing solutions taking place in our region? If so, consider joining us on Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024 at De Anza Cove, Mission Bay Park for our 5th Annual STEP UP! Walk to End Homelessness. Email john.peterson@homeaidsd.org to learn more and sign up as an individual or team.

5th Annual Walk to End Homelessness
Register for our 5th annual walk to end homelessness! This annual event takes place during Homelessness Awareness Month. It brings together our community in the building industry, social service providers and the community at large. All proceeds from the event will benefit HomeAid San Diego’s building projects, community outreach and advocacy efforts. HomeAid San Diego provides resources and support to people impacted by homelessness.
The celebration will include food, music, games and a recognition of individuals and organizations who have made big impacts to help those experiencing homelessness. For any questions or assistance with registration, please contact Leo Despot at leodespot@despot.design
We are also conducting a new blanket drive for People Assisting The Homeless so feel free to bring to the walk and drop off. PATH will be there with a collection bin. We have a goal of collecting 250 donated blankets before Christmas.
Thank you to our premier sponsor 2023, Avalon Bay Communities.

2023 DSD Charity Golf Tournament
Join us for the annual DSD Charity Golf Tournament on the afternoon of Friday October 6th at the Riverwalk Golf Course. The Golf Tournament will be followed by a dinner and raffle.
All proceeds will be donated to HomeAid San Diego.

HomeAid San Diego’s 4th Annual STEP UP! Walk to End Homelessness & 20th Anniversary Celebration
HomeAid San Diego’s 4th Annual Step Up! Walk to End Homelessness & 20th Anniversary Celebration

SAVE THE DATE! 2nd Annual Lennar Building New Lives Charity Golf Tournament
SAVE THE DATE! 2nd Annual Lennar Building New Lives Charity Golf Tournament (Oct. 14, 2022)

HomeAid San Diego’s 3rd Annual STEP UP! Walk to End Homelessness
3rd Annual Step Up! Walk to End Homelessness

1st Annual Lennar “Building New Lives” Charity Golf Tournament
1st Annual Lennar “Building New Lives” Charity Golf Tournament

HomeAid San Diego Heroes Appreciation Event, April 22, 2021
HomeAid San Diego Heroes Appreciation Event